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Mafalda Aires Event Planner

Lisbon, Portugal,

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Views: 544

Rating: 5 from 1 votes


Planning, Organization and Decoration of Events

For us, each customer is special, each customer is different.
That is why all our budget proposals are customized for each client and for each event.
Our project arises from a huge passion in making families happy.
We have a simple style, where every detail is thought and idealized in detail.

      Every project we execute, we have the responsibility to make dreams come true, whether they are kids or grownups, engaged couples who start a new stage together, companies, among others.



R Rita Pio 2022-12-07 15:03:49

Ocena: 5

Best team without a doubt Friendliness and availability for customers

Tags: Lisbon, Venues and Suppliers, Planners & Celebrants


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