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Cristina Orsatti | Wedding Planner

Abruzzo, Italy,

Nearby: Pescara, Teramo

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    I am a perfectionist, I love to do my job and I like to tell about myself and who I am through the marriages I follow. Organized in everyday life (maybe even a little too much) and so I have a very natural propensity for my work.

    I am a driving force and full of energy: when there is a goal to reach I never give up, and my whole team is ready to follow me, the result is then tangible and within everyone's reach.

     With the spouses I immediately empathize, I understand their needs and are able to realize their dreams, these are not just words, but it is a reality.

     I believe that a well-organized wedding is the result of many elements put together, and in this mosaic the opinion of the guests plays a certain role, they must be pampered, and they must feel at ease: when I organize a wedding I like to look at it from their point of view to understand what their needs may be.



Tags: Abruzzo, Venues and Suppliers, Planners & Celebrants, Wedding in the Alps, Pyrenees, Apennines mountains, Italian wedding by the sea - Liguria, Apulia, Calabria or Tuscany, Italy Wedding in castles and palaces - Tuscany, Umbria, Lombardy, Piedmont, Italy - Boho slow wedding, the best places, photographers and planners, Italy - Open space wedding - Tuscany, Umbria, Lombardy, Piedmont, Liguria, Sicily, Sardinia, Wedding in Tuscany - The best hotels, restaurants, photographers in Florence, Siena, Pisa, San Gimignano, Unique wedding places - yachts, stadiums, restaurants with amazing view


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