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Your Big Day by Nicol

Kadnárova 101, Bratislava, Slovakia,

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     "Turning Ideas into Reality"

     Project Your Big Day by Nicol (Váš Velký den s Nicol) was created while I was on my maternity leave. At that time I´ve had a number of experiences in the banking industry, telecommunication, aviation, moderating several balls and I had 12 years of experience as a Manager of Sports Dance Club in Trutnov, where I also acted as a dancer for more than 20 years.

     As a part of my last job, as a Country Chairman SK/CZ and Management Assistant Retail GM and CEE team (at one of the major international companies), I hosted meetings, team buildings, organizing days was on my daily schedule. Within the event preparations, I have used all my experience from aboard and the creative spirit gained during all those years spent preparing choreography, performances, club presentations, etc.

     I was looking for a change on my maternity leave and I wanted to feel useful. Motherhood is a beautiful thing, but I´m a woman of creative, full energy, and so I got involved at Racik Mother Center in Bratislava. I help with its daily course and among other things irregularly organize events for the public, e.g. Sport´s Day for Children.

     Coincidence, I was getting married the same year and I decided to compose my own wedding from A to Z. According to visitor reviews everything worked smooth, everybody was happy and everything ended up great. My decision was clear, I knew exactly what direction I want to take the following years. I love laughter, happiness, and joy in other´s eyes. Beautiful moments a man never forgets.




Tags: Bratislava, Venues and Suppliers, Planners & Celebrants


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