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Wedding Planner Agnieszka Nowak

Stefana Drzewieckiego, Poznan, Poland,

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Agnieszka Nowak - a certified wedding consultant. He deals with the comprehensive organization and coordination of wedding ceremonies and wedding receptions. A planner is a passionate person who works efficiently and reliably. He is not afraid of new challenges. The planned project is implemented from beginning to end, it deals with every element from consulting, the idea of implementation and coordination.
He works with clients with different budgets, he is able to meet expectations and adapt to needs. He implements the craziest ideas because she is crazy herself. He is passionate about unconventional solutions for a wedding and outdoor wedding. He loves nature and innovative decorations made of natural materials. New organizational challenges are what he loves and, together with perfect planning, he achieves the perfect relationship.
A planner is rational management of your money, effort and time.

Justyna Latanowicz - wedding consultant. A treasure trove of inspiration with an unlimited imagination. Justyna is a true admirer of wedding challenges. He puts his whole heart into the preparation of each ceremony. It fulfils the dreams of young couples and does everything to make this most important day in their lives a unique and unforgettable moment.
Justyna graduated from the field of Management, thanks to which she is great at planning, organizing and implementing various projects.
She has an artistic soul, she is connected with the wedding world with love of beauty, aesthetics and quality. She completed her Make-Up Star makeup school in Warsaw and several individual courses as a hobby.
Her innate perfectionism guarantees that she approaches each ceremony individually and with great care.




Tags: Poznan, Venues and Suppliers, Planners & Celebrants, Italy - Boho slow wedding, the best places, photographers and planners, Italy - Open space wedding - Tuscany, Umbria, Lombardy, Piedmont, Liguria, Sicily, Sardinia, Unique wedding places - yachts, stadiums, restaurants with amazing view, Italy - Small Wedding up to 20 guests- Hotels restaurant planners


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