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Sipario Wedding

Via Villanova di Sotto, 16, Pordenone, Italy,

Nearby: Venice

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     Have no idea, or time to look after your wedding? The Wedding planner will do it for you, making engaged couples’dreams possible.

     Once the date and place of the ceremony has been fixed, we’ll consider different locations (according to number of invitations as well) and settings; floral decoration and catering will follow.

     A few projects, as per your needs and budget, will be submitted to fulfill your requirements.

     Our concern is also to carefully double check all services’ providers, employees’ and suppliers’ quotes, in order to get the best price-quality ratio.

     Next step (often a few days before event taking place) we’ll coordinate logistics, suppliers and workers to guarantee quality and perfect timing.

     On your wedding day just enjoy and we’ll do the rest!



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