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Dream Wedding Gotland - Patricia Holmén

Södertorg 13, Visby, Sweden,

Nearby: Gotland

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Hello! A warm welcome here! My name is Patricia Holmén and I am a wedding photographer in Gotland. 

     If you are interested in booking me as your wedding photographer, send a wedding request as soon as possible. I usually get a lot of requests a year before the wedding, so it's always good to be out well in advance. I usually answer the same day if your date is free. If you haven't received a reply after 1 day, look in your spam folder, because sometimes my emails end up there. 

The love of an island. It's something very, very special. If you have been to Gotland once, it really creates a longing to go back again and again. Maybe it's the special Ring Wall, the ruins, the small cobbled streets with roses that make it special. Maybe it's the light or the whole atmosphere that breathes with history and magic. No matter what attracts you to Gotland, this island is always a guarantee for a real Dream Wedding.

     I always send a wedding contract we both sign. It says what we have agreed for (how many hours you booked, place, date and time). The agreement informs that you have the right to freely use the images for your private use. This means that you can make as many enlargements and print out as many pictures as you want. However, you may not sell the images, because the copyright for the images belongs to me. I'm happy to show your pictures on my social media, if you aren't against. You get about 3-5 days to decide about it. 

     If get another request at the same time, the rule is "first come - first served". The booking is made when the payment has been sent to my account.




Tags: Visby, Venues and Suppliers, Planners & Celebrants, Italian wedding by the sea - Liguria, Apulia, Calabria or Tuscany


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