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Chantell - Exclusive Wedding

Budapest, Hungary,

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How can I help you make one of the most beautiful days in your life perfect? Are the preparation and organization going smooth? I will help you not only enjoy the big day, but also every minute of preparation before it.

In a few words about my work:

- There are no packages, I work with unique prices tailored to your needs, as every wedding is different. "I am by your side from the first meeting, through the site visit to the conduct, so that you can count on me anywhere, anytime."

- You don't have to give up the wedding planning service, be it for a small, intimate, family-like or even a large-scale, fairytale-fitting wedding.

- Working with the best service team in the country, we are guaranteed to make the Big Day magical and unforgettable! “I help you solve unexpected problems, oversee and coordinate events, and take all the burden of organizing off your shoulders so you can experience every single moment of your day in peace and self-forgetfulness!



Tags: Budapest, Venues and Suppliers, Planners & Celebrants


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