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  I am a destination wedding photographer and a member of the Polish Art Photographers’Association - being passionate about photography for many years. In the beginning, I devoted myself almost exclusively to creative and artistic photography, which helped me to reveal my feelings, show others my interpretation of the surrounding world, and to reveal what was invisible to the naked eye. But I have also discovered how strong and unusual medium photography is and how deeply and diversely it influences others. Then came the time for documentaries, an opportunity to record the feelings and emotions, to freeze in time images, that will later help the viewer to recall the past. Documentaries create the stories of our lives by capturing the most vital events in our existence and give us an opportunity to travel back in time, at any moment we wish to do so. 
   Currently, I am able to combine work and passion. I’m interested in many fields of photography - art and commercial, digital and analogue. I do not limit myself to any specific applications, themes, work styles, or techniques. Thus, I have great freedom to tailor the offer to the individual needs of my clients and to make full use of my experience, potential, and creativity. In each and every case, I rely on experience gained previously in various areas, but also strife to apply new solutions in order to ensure, that I do create work that is original, individual, and unconventional.



I Ilona 2022-09-05 13:37:13

Ocena: 5

Jesteśmy bardzo zadowoleni ze współpracy z Tomkiem, który wykonywał zdjęcia podczas naszego ślubu i wesela. Tomasz to człowiek z pasją, przesympatyczny, profesjonalny, punktualny. Współpracując mogliśmy czuć się swobodnie, kontakt z Tomkiem jest rewelacyjny. Zdjęcia przepiękne. Dziękujemy i z całego serca polecamy.

M Marta 2022-08-26 12:02:03

Ocena: 5

Świetna współpraca, pan Tomek jest osobą z którą bez problemu można ustalić wszelkie szczegóły. Wkłada mnóstwo starań, aby przygotować odpowiedni sprzęt pod warunki/możliwości sali. Zdjęcia wykonane tak, aby każdy wyglądał korzystnie i żeby uchwycić najważniejsze chwile. Zarówno albumy jak i odbitki wykonane na materiałach dobrej jakości. Serdecznie polecam!

Tags: Venice, Venues and Suppliers, PhotoVideo, Wedding in the Alps, Pyrenees, Apennines mountains, Italian wedding by the sea - Liguria, Apulia, Calabria or Tuscany, Italy Wedding in castles and palaces - Tuscany, Umbria, Lombardy, Piedmont, Croatia - Boho slow wedding, the best places, photographers and planners


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