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Photography by Sky

Alexandrou Ipsilantou 48, Paphos, Cyprus,

Nearby: Nicosia

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Photography by Sky

My name is Giedre Razmantaite and I come from Lithuania. I live in Cyprus since year 2010 and in here I’m better known by my nickname – SKY.

Photography was my passion for a very long time, my walls are covered with framed pictures and every of them tells it’s own story. And now I want to share this passion – capturing moments – with others. My goal as a photographer is to take a picture which you would want to have on your wall and look at it every day, the picture which will tell the story and will breath positive emotions.

Wedding, christening, family get together, birthday and name day party, maternity and fashion photo-shoot, love story and proposal, first date, first tooth, second chance, new dress, new car and new pet – capture everything!




Tags: Paphos, Venues and Suppliers, PhotoVideo


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