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Nilufer Nalbantoglu Fotograf

Istanbul, Turkey,

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Views: 630

Rating: 5 from 1 votes



  I was born in 1982 in Bursa. I grew up reading photo magazines and playing with twin lens cameras because of my father's interest in photography. While I was interested in photography as a hobby, after graduating from the sociology department of Uludağ University in 2006, I started working as an assistant in photo agencies. I decided to open my own business, first textile and then furniture photography. Now I am one of the lucky people who love their job.



A Ann Salavas 2022-07-19 12:05:05

Ocena: 5

Incredibly amazing photographer who makes very aesthetic shootings with great passion and sense of beauty. Absolutely recommended

Tags: Istanbul, Venues and Suppliers, PhotoVideo, Unique wedding places - yachts, stadiums, restaurants with amazing view


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