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Nicola Tanzella

Viale Spartaco Lavagnini, 70-72, Firenze, Italy,

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Views: 147

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Pricing from

€2200 / person

Nicola Tanzella

My name is Nicola, I'm Martina's dad, I'm an animal lover, passionate about art and architecture, and... I'm a professional wedding photographer since 2009 with hundreds of successful services under my belt.


I work daily side by side with Federica, my life partner as well as my work partner. Our goal is to capture, through our shots, the countless moments that made your day unique, and the photos will be the irreplaceable moments allowing you to preserve in memory the emotions experienced. Using a discreet style, we will accompany you from the preparations to the celebrations to narrate in a subtle and elegant manner every single detail and situation of the day. We cater to a demanding and refined clientele capable of recognizing quality work. Elegance, discretion, professionalism, and reliability are just some of the characteristics that describe my way of being and working. I consider myself extremely fortunate because I have the opportunity to do a job that I love and that fills me with joy: the greatest satisfaction is the opportunity to create images that will remain in the history of the lives of couples and their respective families.



Tags: Firenze, Venues and Suppliers, PhotoVideo


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