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Mia Högfeldt - Make Up & Hair

Stockholm, Sweden,

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     "Strong sense of trends and style"

     I was working as a freelance hair & make up artist for MIKAs for almost 20 years, since the early 90's. The collaboration was focused on fashion and advertising jobs. In my gallery of people I’ve worked with, there are famous profiles with diverse styles such as Blondie and Carola, Val Kilmer and Ola Rapace.

     I grew up surrounded by fashion and beauty. My mother was a model and she often let my brother and me go with her to work. I remember the smell of hairspray, the sound of heels, dazzling flashes and excitement in the air. It's still the environment I love to be in.

     The most expressive thing there is, obviously, the human face. For me who wants to emphasise the shape and create, make-up and hair styling is very exciting and rewarding.

     Thanks to talented people I meet and have the privilege to work with, the creativity is nurtured by magic and love. That brings me wonderful days at work!

     I’ve traveled the world on various assignments. I hunted monkeys stealing equipment in the tropics. I fished for necessary keys that drowned in deep snow.

     In the middle of all this, I’m a psychologist and coach. Mother and friend.

     The most inspiring and rewarding thing of these experiences are obviously all meetings. With people from the editorial staff, the advertising industry and all the world's professions. With people who are artists, politicians and actors.

     A day at work is always, always completely new and deeply inspiring!



Tags: Stockholm, Venues and Suppliers, Health & Beauty


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