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Fiori e Fantasia

Via Roma 2, Bovisio-Masciago, Italy,

Nearby: Como, Milan, Verona, Monza, Bergamo, Verese

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– Fiori e Fantasia – By Anna I express with flowers what I can not say with words. I call myself a florist by passion and I share my passion through my work with others for 12 years now. I attended the Federfiori School to acquire the title of European Florist and several courses with professionals in the field to be always updated on colors schemes and techniques, chasing new styles and trends. The Fiori e Fantasia store in Bovisio Masciago is very bright and simply furnished. Even the windows are made according to the seasons with the use of recovered natural materials. Green and blooming plants fill the shelves with colors and compelling scents. My heart often speaks through my hands; creativity and imagination are my daily addictions or perhaps the best therapy I have ever experienced. From the sewing industry, with 25 years of experience, I personally create bows sewn with needle and thread and fabric bags. My work is based on fundamental values: - the passion - the responsibility of offering an outstanding service - the quality of the products - the creativity to propose different ideas We accept telephone orders with home delivery in the city and neighboring countries.



Tags: Bovisio-Masciago, Venues and Suppliers, Decorations


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