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Elvebredden Catering as

Myrerskogveien 12, Oslo, Norway,

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Elvebredden Catering as Elvebredden Catering AS is one of Oslo's largest catering and event firms, established by Espen M. Gryt in 2003. Elvebredden Catering supplies food and arranges events ranging from a few people to several thousand participants. In addition to a regular staff of chefs, waiters and drivers, we work with skilled DJs, flower decorators, toast masters and a number of other service providors to tailor various types of events. Elvebredden Catering is part of the Culinary Holding Group, which has a total turnover of more than 40 million a year and has 40 permanent employees, as well as extra staff. The group also includes the Kanonhallen banquet hall in Oslo with space for 800 people and Hvalstrand Bad in Asker. Our menus are made up of exciting dishes based on quality raw materials from the best suppliers. In our dishes you can find fresh Mediterranean ingredients and Norwegian niche products. Our own pastry shop produces delicious homemade cakes. Elvebredden Catering wishes to help solve the climate challenge. Therefore, we cooperate with IntoFood to develop menus that minimize the environment. We assure that the food we make is produced in the best possible way for you and for the environment. Elvebredden Catering AS aims to be the best in quality, service and environmentally friendly solutions.



Tags: Oslo, Venues and Suppliers, Catering


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